Monday, 3 September 2007

Our Biggest Mistake

Looking back over the last year or so, I believe our biggest mistake was telling my mother and brother that we had started trying for a baby. Up until the day when I told her we were pregnant, I had never seen my mother quite so excited (and tearful). Now I wish I had never mentioned it. Initially this was because she started telling stories about her and my dad and how they tried for two years – way too much information - but I believe now it only added more stress every month when nothing had happened....

You start something like this and it is like carrying a huge secret around with you. You want to ask questions of your friends who have children but you know that would lead down a one way road. Then there was the issue of what if it did not happen. The Bull was adamant he didn’t want people knowing in case he was a jaffa! Now people will shy away from ever mentioning the subject again. I am not sure whether this is a good or bad thing....

We did visit the Dr very early on but other than a discussion about folic acid there was not much she could really say. We visited her again in March 2007 when we were referred to CARE in Nottingham. I then had a FSH blood test done prior to this appointment as requested.

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