Friday 31 January 2014

Head Teacher Award

So proud!  Jamie came home today with a big sticker on his jumper that said 'Head Teacher Award'!!

It was for his drawing of WaterMan - his Super Hero.  

I think his Super Powers are turning invisible and freezing baddies!!

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Superheroes !!

Jamie couldn't wait to get to school on Monday.  For his class it was Superheroes day.  He went as Spiderman!

There were loads of Spidermen, Batmen etc.   I felt sorry for the girls as apparently it is not so easy to get a dressing up for them.  However, there were some fantastic home made costumes - Trinity as Wonder Woman, and a couple of the girls as Cat Woman - complete with tails.

It was great to hear Jamie talk about his teacher last week when he told me that she was a superhero, but I wasn't to tell anyone. 

How do you know she is a superhero? I said.
"She has a cape." 

What are her superpowers? 
"She can fly and turn invisible!"

This was all part of the Superheroes topic this term; getting the children to think about heroes, but also to talk about what makes a superhero- eating well, exercise and other skills.  It also gets them motivated to look at books and read 'Superhero' stories.  Jamie certainly loves sitting in the Reading Corner to look at all the Superhero books!

Tuesday 28 January 2014

"I need my Umbrolley"

Must be raining then....

Friday 24 January 2014

Healthy Eating Tips From Jamie...

Got a text from one of Jamie's friends mummy's which said: 

Jamie has told Joseph that he needs to eat bananas to help put skin on his grazed elbow so that its gets better!

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Bunk Bed!!

Is this the answer we have been waiting for all along?

Jamie has slept in his own room for the last two nights.......

Sunday 19 January 2014

Thursday 16 January 2014

Our New Addition

Collected from the RSPCA this morning.  We think Nev is about 2/3 years old and has been a stray for about a year.  Me and Jamie visited him on Monday (after seeing him on the RSPCA website), we had the home visit on Tuesday and here he is!

Had a quiet day so far.  I had the day off work so have just been reading and pottering about,  Just waiting for Jamie to get back......

Saturday 11 January 2014

School Attendance

Got a letter sent home last week RE: SCHOOL ATTENDANCE

The letter starts; As you may be aware, schools and academies are set strict guidelines with respect to the attendance of pupils.

A pupil (according to the letter) is described as a Persistent Absentee when their attendance rate drops to 85%.  It also states that failure to improve poor attendance to at least 95% could lead to a fixed penalty notice of either £60 or £120.

The Letter highlights that; if your child is absent from school for the equivalent of 2 weeks (10days) every academic year, they will have missed an entire years teaching by the time they leave school at 18

Can't really believe it.  It seems so silly for a reception class. 

And then there is the issue of parents being fined for taking their children out of school to go on holiday.  See:   I agree with the father, who states: The people who make these laws and policies don't live in the real world.

How can taking your child on a holiday be seen as bad parenting?  I agree that children who are studying for exams should not have their lessons disrupted, but surely a few days here and there cannot hurt - especially in the early years!  

Perhaps I am wrong.....Anyway, Jamie's is currently standing at 97% attendance rate.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Monday 6 January 2014

Clinic 8 Appointment

Monday morning and it was daddy's birthday.  However, he refused to open a single card until he knew how Jamie was.

Following yesterdays afternoon in A&E we were given an appointment for 9.30am in Clinic 8.  We were seen just before 10.30.  I am not sure whether this is because we had come from A&E.  I did ask the receptionist and she said they were working from 4 lists that morning.

After 3 hours daddy was able to celebrate his birthday.  Jamie has nothing serious wrong with his eye.

What he has got (we were told) is a Microsquint, defined as a small-angle heterotropia, usually 10 dioptres or less, which, whilst associated with defective binocular function, cannot be treated.  Microsquint is often associated with anisometropia; both predispose children to amblyopia. Children with microsquint are prescribed eyeglasses if they are anisometropic. Long-term follow-up is advised to detect and treat early amblyopia.

They also mentioned that he could possibly be long sighted.

All this means that Jamie won't have to attend his annual appointment at the end of January, but will be going back in 4 months time to have a sight test.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Trip to A&E

Saturday afternoon / evening night we all went out for Nanna B's birthday.  We had a great meal and then went back to her house for a few drinks.   Jamie and cousin Noah had a fantastic time and we took loads of photographs.  However, once we got back daddy started to worry as he noticed something similar to this:

This photo is taken from article in The Huffington Post:  which details that when a baby's eye looks white in a photo, it's an important warning sign that something may be blocking the retina. Medically known as leukocoria, it is a red flag for several serious eye disorders including cataracts, retinal detachments, and infections inside the eye.  It's also the most common warning sign of retinoblastoma, an extremely rare and very serious childhood cancer of the eye.

As Jamie already has a pre-existing eye problem with his squint, daddy was worried and spent far too long on the Internet looking for worst case scenarios!!  Consequently, Sunday morning we sat in A&E waiting to be seen by a Dr.   When we were seen he did not have the necessary equipment, but he was able to refer us to the Eye Clinic on Monday morning.

Friday 3 January 2014

National Child Measurement Programme

Recently we received a letter from the NHS and County Council saying that Jamie had been weighed and measured at school, and found to have a body mass index of 44

44 is within the Healthy Weight range.

Unfortunately, Jamie's friend Will has been classified as Overweight as his BMI is over 90.  However, if he had been 6 he would have been classed as healthy!  Will is definitely not overweight.  He is just a large 4 year old. 

For more information (and more people upset about their children being called 'Obese') see:

I am not sure what Will and others like him is doing to the statistics of the country, but there is obviously something wrong!!  We won't be giving permission for Jamie to be measured again.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year Resolutions!

In 2014 I will:
  • Plan my time.  Note spaces in the week ahead and fill them with what’s important.
  • Learn to say No and to not feel bad about it.
  • Lower my own standards (and therefore the pressure).
  • Read, Read and Read some more.
  • Invest in Quality time with Jamie and Dale.
  • Learn with Jamie.  Take time out to help him.  Help him reach his targets.  
  • Slow down and concentrate on what really matters (and ignore the rest).
  • Relax.  Relax.  Relax....
  • Explore my Spiritual side.
  • Shift a stone but not via a mad diet, but rather through healthy eating and regular exercise.
  • Save don’t spend (Remember the list).
  • Get Jamie into a proper nighttime routine and perhaps his own bed (she whispered).