Thursday 28 May 2015

Half Term KiddyCook

This time it was a Paddington theme and once again Jamie loved it!! 
We can see his bread and butter and marmalade pudding......and Jamie being very helpful clearing up the left overs.  Not surprising he felt quite sick on the way home!

Saturday 23 May 2015

Poorly Jamie

Had to have a couple of days off school this week as Jamie was really ill.  He had a raging temperature and kept saying he had a poorly tummy.  He was also very tired.  There was some sickness and on the Tuesday morning I got so worried that I rang 111.  She calmed my fears and said it was probably a virus and to keep him hydrated.  It hung about for a while though; over a week, which meant missing a few events, but I wanted to make sure he was well.

There were a few other mums reporting similar symptoms on Facebook and one mum mentioned  'Slapped Face Syndrome'.  I had not thought the rash was anything to do with his temperature etc. which seemed to fit all the criteria.   So glad he is better.  Xx

Sunday 17 May 2015

Meeting a T Rex

We didn't really plan to go.  I had received an email and we had discussed it, but no real plans.  After taking Jamie to Toys R Us to buy him a treat for getting his Silver Award, I said 'If we can get parked, we will go'.   We got the last space and just as we were walking to The Collection, we heard the screams.....

After meeting T Rex we went inside and saw some of Jamie's friends making Dinosaur masks.  Daddy had seen they were doing a 'Fossil Talk and Handling Session' at 5.45pm so we stayed around for that with Jamie's friend Isaac.  Jamie got a bit upset during the proceedings as Isaac got to hold a fossil and he didn't, so at the end I took him up to meet one of the chaps who let Jamie have a proper look.  Then all he could say was 'we have a bigger one than that!'

Friday 15 May 2015

Silver Award

Someone has earnt themselves a Scooby Doo Mystery Machine....

Friday 1 May 2015

Mummy's New Toy

We have been looking for another car for a while, but over the past few months it has become obvious that it is time we bought a car just for mummy and Jamie.  This is because Daddy has started gigging again and this means we can be left at home with no transport.  It also means that if we had wanted to watch Daddy we would need to be going when Daddy goes - which is usually a few hours before the band plays!!
So, after test driving a number of cars and nearly buying a Honda Jazz, we found this.  Mummy and Daddy both liked the looked of it from the start and Jamie thinks it is the Bat Car....