Sunday 28 September 2014

Hospital Appointment

Once again a trip to the hospital to see about Jamie's squint.  For some reason today the clinic was very quiet......shame about Jamie!   He messed about constantly during the eye test.  He was in a silly, giggly mood......  We were advised that Jamie should wear his glasses all the time and go back for another review in 4 months.

As we were in and out quickly we decided to go on a bit of an adventure.  We drove over to Mablethorpe and did some Christmas shopping at and then bought our usual chips in Skegness.  Our punishment for skiving off school?  A £35 parking fine!

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Things only Parents of Boys will understand...

Saw this article the other day and wanted to share:   My favourites (and those I most nodded in agreement at) were the following:

3. Boys give the best hugs. And kisses. And snuggles.

4. Farts are funny. At least your boys will think they are pretty hilarious.

5. Everything will be covered in pee. Seriously. Everything. The toilet. The floor. The side of the bathtub. The wall. Occasionally, even the bathroom window (WTH?). Apparently, hitting the toilet is much more difficult than the basic laws of physics and gravity would suggest.   This I totally understand!  I really shouldn't leave my PJs on the bathroom floor!

6. Anything can, and will, become a gun. Try as you might to instill your pacifist ways in your young sons, the fact remains that boys love guns. They can make a gun out of anything. A stick. A toilet paper roll. A banana. A snorkel. Their finger.   Weird how this happens!

7. Boys are physical. From the moment they come crashing through our vaginas and into the world, boys own the space they inhabit. They climb on the furniture. They jump on one another. They smack and punch for no apparent reason.   So glad I have daddy to take the blows for me!

Saturday 20 September 2014


When we started back this term I was a little concerned that Jamie was reading the same books from Reception.  I assumed there was a reason for this and this week his teacher said that she had sat and read with him and as a consequence had moved him up to the next reading level.

The books certainly have longer words in, but I am glad to say that Jamie is sounding them out brilliantly.  I don't see it being too long until  he is moved him up another group!  Proud mother here...

Friday 19 September 2014

Sunday 14 September 2014

Smooth Talker....

We all had our hair done this week and while we were all sat having a cuppa, Jamie walks over to our hairdresser, Karley,  and says; Lion says You're Beautiful.

Friday 12 September 2014

My Family

Yesterday, Jamie was asked to draw a picture of his family. 
I love this picture of us all - Neville, Jamie, Mummy and Daddy.

So pleased that he sees us all smiling.......especially as it was the school counsellor that asked him to draw this......

Sunday 7 September 2014


Have today stuck this sign to Jamie's bedroom door to remind all of us what we need to be doing every night - or at least Sunday to Thursday night:

JAMIE’S ROUTINE   (Jamie to tell time)
7.15am          BREAKFAST  
7.45am          WASH / TEETH / DRESS YOURSELF
8.20am          LEAVE FOR SCHOOL
4-5pm            (HEALTHY) TEA
5-6pm            HOMEWORK
(Reading x3 a week.  Targets, Phonics, Games)
(Thursday = Talk Homework)
6-7pm            TEETH, WASH, BATH, PJs, MILK, STORIES,
8pm                BED AND LIGHTS OUT

                                                    10-12 hours of sleep a night required

Friday 5 September 2014

It's all different!

Jamie didn't seem to be in the slightest bit bothered, but mummy struggled first day back.

Firstly, we were somehow late!  The traffic was worse than I remember and when we got to the school gates there was nowhere to park.  We ended up parking a couple of streets away and then having to dash.  Got to school and the KS1 playground is shut for building work, so we had to go to the classroom door that opens onto the sports field.  Was it the right one, I thought as we wandered into the classroom.  Luckily I saw Sam's mum who told me what I needed to know.  Trays are there, coats and PE in the locker in the corridor.   Panic! when I could not find a drawer with Jamie's name!  Had I got it wrong and this wasn't his class?  No, said the TA, some are missing!  Then to find his locker which luckily had his photo on!  Back into the classroom and the children were sitting on the floor ready to start.  Bye mummy, kiss, off to work....

I actually felt in shock as I made my way to walk.  So many new faces (children and parents).  And then having to walk past the 'friends' we made last year and their mummies who have stayed in Miss C's class.  I am going to miss them and our chats at the end of school.... I hope we will stay in touch.  Next year we could be all back together again.  And anyway, we have Grace's 6th party this Saturday!  (what are you worrying about woman!?)

Back at 3.05pm to pick him up which is pretty much the same as usual (although he came out with his PE kit which should have stayed in his locker).   But then at 3.15pm it was 'Meet the Teacher'.  I was amazed that there weren't many parents, but I suppose some of them may have already met the teacher if they have siblings, or may not have been able to make the session due to work (I am lucky in that respect!).  Both of his teachers (they do half a week each) seemed nice.  Jamie says they are not as 'Bossy' as Miss C was!

That session made me feel a bit better.......Mummy now ready to start Year One!

Thursday 4 September 2014

First Day Back......

One of Jamie's friends (Good Luck Robert) starts school today and she posted this on Facebook. 
Still applies to me today and Jamie is going into Year One. 
Lots of mummy cuddles last night and this morning.....

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Back to School - Are We All Prepared?

Back to school tomorrow - are we all ready?

Jamie has new school shoes.  I decided not to invest in a new uniform as, at the moment, it still seems to fit!  We did buy some bigger trousers for him just before the end of term and they (thankfully) still fit.

Have we done much 'Homework'? 
Jamie's done a bit of reading, but there have been stories (mainly Robin Hood).  He is sounding out brilliantly and not only asks what things say, but also tries to spell things when he is writing / drawing / colouring (which he still loves!).  I think we probably should have done more reading with him........

But I do feel we have had a good, educational summer.  Unfortunately, mummy got a new job just as the summer started, but with daddy doing shifts Jamie has hardly been in the hands of baby sitters and, as these have been Nana and Uncle Paul, he hasn't really minded.   Nana took him on a number of 'events' including a treasure hunt with Noah and a 'Leap Frog' afternoon where he made a frog in a pond and uncle Paul has taken him to the park a number of times and totally spoilt him with presents!!

We did have a fab week in Norfolk and every Friday I have made sure that we have done something with some of Jamie's friends; going to the park, visiting, Sundown, Belton etc.  We have continued to do things at the weekend and been to see The Lego movie, visited cousins, gone to parties and been out for too many meals!!

The only real worry I have is his night time routine (see previous posts!).  Must try harder....

Looking forward to tomorrow?  Not sure.....

Monday 1 September 2014

First Sleepover at Noahs

Noah (Jamie's cousin) has stayed here a couple of times but Jamie had yet to stay over there......

Daddy and I were supposed to be going out, but Nana could not babysit.  Then Auntie Hannah said they could do it.  (I didn't like to ask as Seth is only 6 months).   The night out was cancelled but we decided to keep the sleepover.

As soon as we told Jamie he was really excited about seeing Noah, but not so excited about staying over.  He kept asking us to reassure him that we would pick him up before bedtime.  We came home and waited for the call to go and pick him never came.   I sent a text and the reply came back; 'they are in bed but not much sleeping so far!' 

Apparently, Jamie tried the 'I can't sleep without mummy or daddy, but Hannah just said 'well, tonight mummy and daddy are out so you're sleeping here, isn't that exciting?'    Well done auntie Hannah!

In the morning when we went to pick him up, he said he wasn't coming home with us and was living at Noah's from now on!!   Uncle Michael said he would come home with us instead (leaving Hannah with two 5 year olds and a 6month old!). 

Luckily, Jamie eventually decided to come home with his mummy and daddy and then slept most of the afternoon!!   Perhaps his 'sleepover' wasn't that much of a 'sleepover' after all.....