Sunday 20 July 2008

Now, take a deep breath....

I have got a job!! Bloody hell, how long has it been? Well, I finished my Teaching Assistant course on Tuesday morning - currently awaiting my results - and in the afternoon I returned to find a message on the answer machine saying 'was I interested in a job down the road and when could I start?' So far I have done 2 days and they were exhausting days but enjoyable. And at 7.50 an hour The Bull is very pleased!!

I did book myself in for acupuncture the day before I started. This was for two main reasons; obviously the start of a new job, but also this should be my most fertile weekend, so I asked for a bit of help. We shall wait and see what happens - probably be too tired!!!

Tuesday 1 July 2008

One Year On....

It's one year since I started this Blog. If things had worked out I should now have a 4 month old baby. But I haven't!!! What has happened is that I have spent more time in hospital than ever before, I have left the full time job I had 12 months ago and I have started (and nearly finished) a Teaching Assistant Course - although am officially unemployed as I am claiming Job Seekers Allowance. I have had a number of major rows with my mother as I try to discover the meaning of family and deal with both the miscarriage and the death of my father, as well as see a number of friends get pregnant and have babies while I sit and watch. However, I can't say I am depressed at this moment in time. I feel the best I have felt in a long time - even before 'the trouble'. I feel quite healthy and happy with my lot and following the fiasco with my operation, me and the Bull have started to 'Scatter-bomb the area' so I have not completely given up hope!!

What was upsetting for a few days - more so for the Bull than me - was the news that the Bulls brother and his wife are pregnant and due early February - almost a year after I would have been due! The aim now is to catch them up.......