Saturday 30 June 2018

Sunday 24 June 2018

Red Belt at Karate

Congratulations!  Jamie is now a Red Belt!!  

Friday 22 June 2018

Annual Report - June 2018

Once again, no change from his last report: 

Reading: Exceeding. (Above expected standards) Your child has made Good Progress.   To help improve his reading, he needs to continue to develop his skills in identifying the viewpoints of authors.

Writing: Secure. (In line with expected standards) Your child has made Good Progress.   To help improve his writing, he needs to secure his use of punctuation to indicate direct speech, and develop the use of fronted adverbials in his writing. 

Maths: Secure. (In line with expected standards) Your child has made Good Progress.   To help improve  his maths, he needs to be able to work out the area and perimeter of shapes, and know the decimal equivalents of quarter and three quarters.

His teacher wrote; it has been a pleasure to teach Jamie for a second year.  He is hardworking and takes an excellent interest in everything we do.  He responds well to challenges and can work well both independently and with others on greater depth learning.  Jamie makes thoughtful contributions to class and group discussion.  He has worked really hard to develop his cursive handwriting.  Jamie is well-behaved, sensible and friendly.

Attendance: 99.38%

Saturday 16 June 2018