Monday, 26 March 2018

Spring Term Report Card - March 2018

No change from his Autumn Report, See:

Reading: Exceeding. (Above expected standards) Your child has made Good Progress.   To help improve he needs to continue to develop his knowledge of the features of a range of non-fiction texts and be able to make comparisons.

Writing: Secure. (In line with expected standards) Your child has made Good Progress.   To help improve he needs to make sure his writing is organised into separate sentences that are not too long, and use inverted commas and other punctuation accurately to indicate direct speech. 

Maths: Secure. (In line with expected standards) Your child has made Good Progress.   To help improve he needs to secure his understanding of rounding numbers to the nearest 100 and 1000, and  develop his skills in counting in hundredths (as decimals).

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