Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Back to School - Are We All Prepared?

Back to school tomorrow - are we all ready?

Jamie has new school shoes.  I decided not to invest in a new uniform as, at the moment, it still seems to fit!  We did buy some bigger trousers for him just before the end of term and they (thankfully) still fit.

Have we done much 'Homework'? 
Jamie's done a bit of reading, but there have been stories (mainly Robin Hood).  He is sounding out brilliantly and not only asks what things say, but also tries to spell things when he is writing / drawing / colouring (which he still loves!).  I think we probably should have done more reading with him........

But I do feel we have had a good, educational summer.  Unfortunately, mummy got a new job just as the summer started, but with daddy doing shifts Jamie has hardly been in the hands of baby sitters and, as these have been Nana and Uncle Paul, he hasn't really minded.   Nana took him on a number of 'events' including a treasure hunt with Noah and a 'Leap Frog' afternoon where he made a frog in a pond and uncle Paul has taken him to the park a number of times and totally spoilt him with presents!!

We did have a fab week in Norfolk and every Friday I have made sure that we have done something with some of Jamie's friends; going to the park, visiting, Sundown, Belton etc.  We have continued to do things at the weekend and been to see The Lego movie, visited cousins, gone to parties and been out for too many meals!!

The only real worry I have is his night time routine (see previous posts!).  Must try harder....

Looking forward to tomorrow?  Not sure.....

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