Thursday, 6 November 2008

So Sorry Sophie...

Today I was supposed to visit Blog Baby 9 but I woke up with the headache I went to bed with (and I don't mean The Bull). I seem to have been plagued with them off and on for a good few weeks but today's was the worst. I asked Sophie's mum what she suggested eating and sleeping - two things I seem to do a lot of at the moment. Unfortunately, neither seemed to help. According to the Internet its my hormones (tell me something I don't know!) but they should decrease after the first trimester. It says to look at my lifestyle and perhaps I have been doing too much lately. The weekend was certainly exhausting with The Bulls brother and his wife here all weekend, kicking off with the party on the Friday, clearing up and shopping Saturday and then visiting Nanna and their mother on the Sunday and then back to work Monday and Tuesday with little rest. And then yesterday - looking at my diet - I did have a lot of sugary foods. Perhaps they contributed as well. I have taken a few paracetamols but I don't want to overdo it and I have listened to my relaxation tape but it has only lessened the pain. What I probably need is an early night and peace and quiet.

Will I have to suffer throughout my entire pregnancy? Probably not. For most women, pregnancy headaches tend to diminish and even disappear by the second trimester. Experts believe this is when the flood of hormones stabilises, and the body grows accustomed to its altered chemistry. Here's hoping...

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