Thursday, 13 November 2008

More Pain!!

Well, after a morning of feeling sick and nervous and having to force feed myself a snickers bar because I felt so ill, I finally made it into the Dentists waiting room - and then I made for the door. It was only The Bull dragging me along the corridor as they shouted my name that got me in the seat!! However, he was very nice (the dentist) - especially after I explained I was 14 weeks pregnant and felt like I was going to vomit any moment - though my checkup didn't seem to last as long as usual.... Did I mention it was at the right time - 2.30 = Tooth Hurty!!! (Ha Ha)Anyway, he said I should watch out for bleeding gums and should actually brush my teeth harder than usual. He also recommended using mouth wash to help with the plaque.

I sent a text to my friend / hairdresser to tell her. She is only a few weeks behind me which we only recently found out. Anyway, she said she is still suffering terribly with the morning sickness and said she threw up on her mum's front garden the other day, as she could not get her key in the lock quick enough!! Apparently, her mum was sick all the way through her 3 pregnancies - Oh my god!! And she supposed to be doing my hair in a few weeks - could be messy!

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