Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Stressed Women 'more likely to have a baby girl'

An article in the Daily Mail at the weekend (Fiona MacRae: Science Reporter) highlighted research that showed Stressed mothers-to-be are more likely to have girls than boys. Results showed that those judged to be stressed were 5% more likely to have a girl than those deemed relaxed. The University of Aarhus in Denmark said it is unclear why stress skews the sex ratio, as the gender of a baby is determined by chromosomes in the fathers sperm. However, it is possible that high levels of stress hormones may make it more difficult for male embryos to implant and stressed women may be more likely to miscarry male babies. British fertility experts have warned that stress in the womb is linked to health problems in later life including high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. Worrying during preganany may also stunt a child's intelligence. Interesting??

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