Friday 24 April 2009

Monday 6th April: Will I ever have a leisurely breakfast again?

9am: This morning I was visited by an Anesthetist to check how I was feeling after the epidural. She said that Dr Dale was always grumpy – it wasn’t just because we had woken him, and not to worry. I remember trying to have a conversation with him and I am sure by the time he had finished he was a little more mellow with us. I know I was quite laid back and laughing about it, but of course that would have been all the drugs I was on! She asked specifically about headaches but I said I had had one since the birth anyway due to lack of sleep (approximately 4 hours last night). I did thank her and said I was glad I had the epidural.

10.30: Hearing Screening done on Jamie – ‘Good Response’. Then visited by Transitional Care Team who asked about Jamie and said they would weigh him before his feed at 11.30am. He had gone from 2.82 to 2.66 but that was ok as they can lose up to 10% of their body weight following birth in the first few days. The team also took his temperature and thought it was a little low but this may have been because I had just changed him.

Dr then visited (not seen before) and was concerned about Jamie’s colour and Jaundice. This I was told could be due to him being dehydrated which in turn affects feeding, weight gain etc. Taken away to do bloods and the results showed that his bloods were ok but they confirmed that Jamie had jaundice. It was not at a serious level though.

Tried to breastfeed, but again Jamie not doing it as getting very sleepy. Tried to cup feed but he was again sleepy, so the midwives have decided to tube feed him. This means having to first check the PH level of the liquid in Jamie’s stomach by drawing out liquid using a syringe. This tells us where the tube ends. If the PH is too high then this could mean the tube has slipped into the lungs and therefore it would be very dangerous to pour milk down the tube. Once this is seen to be ok, another sterilized syringe is filled with milk and slowly trickled into Jamie’s stomach. Woken up at 11.30pm this evening for Jamie’s feed but I was totally dead to the world. Went to the loo and although I may not need to go quite so many times or with such urgency as when I was pregnant, I still need to go before my bladder gets quite so full, as stitches can make it a bit painful. Had the stitches checked today and apparently all looks well.

What is the worst thing that could happen? It never happened. He is perfect – well, mummy thinks he is anyway. God I have already started talking about the consistency of poo and sending text messages to Daddy about his projectile peeing – what have we become?

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