Wednesday 12 September 2012

Home Early...

Feeling a bit under the weather at the moment and so didn't go to work this afternoon!

Good job really, as the nursery rang.  When I saw it was them I immediately thought it was due to Jamie's cough (again) as he has been coughing a bit the last few days.  We both have the snots but at the moment I have been spared the cough.

Turns out they were worried as he had been saying he wanted the toilet all afternoon (they rang just before 3pm) but although he kept going, he never actually went.  I went to pick him up just as he emerged from the toilet - successful at last!!

I had a chat to one of the ladies from pre-school and we wondered whether it could be related to his move to pre-school.  He has been fine at home for weeks now, and has previously 'been' at nursery.  The only recent difference has been his move to pre-school.

Home now and all snoozing....

1 comment:

JoBo said...

Later on last night and we are reading with Jamie in his bed. I asked him again why he didn't like pre-school. Turns out, its because they 'tell me off'. I asked him what he had done to be told off, but Jamie then denied being naughty!!