Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Week 8 (and a Half)

God I feel such a hypocrite at the moment.
It is really the only thing I feel - that and an overpowering sense of tiredness (hence a week in-between blogs). I can just about get up before I have to get back down again at the moment. Once I have finished this blog I am sure I will have to have a long lie down to recover!!
This all started last week. I managed to get to Wednesday afternoon at work before my whole body just seemed to shut down. Every part of me has the feeling it is bruised and broken. Hence I rang in sick on Thursday. I know I am going to be in big trouble when I get back to work, but at the moment I am no use to man nor beast!!

So, why feeling a hypocrite?
Well, I have always been rather vocal about women at work who have time off during their pregnancy. I even remember, a few years ago, asking to have my chair back off a pregnant girly and when someone pointed this out, I replied 'Thats her choice not mine!!'. If that person remembers I'm gonna get it in the neck!!

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