Sunday 8 July 2007

Are they still here?

Weekend visit from the brother of the Bull (nearly 40, no kids) and his wife. Spent the weekend convinced they would be able to tell. She's a nurse for gods sake!! I thought it was bound to be obvious when I didn't have my usual amount of wine, but after her second I don't think she really noticed.

Saturday night we had a small BarBQ for the Bulls dad who was 65 and a few of the family; including the sister and her daughter who is two. I still don't have any maternal instincts with regards to other peoples children. Given when she wanted to go to the toilet - and promptly took her nappy off and left it on my lawn - it was the other brothers wife (nurse) who took her; not me! I just stood watching at the window wondering who was going to deal with the discarded nappy.

The next time we see the brother and his wife will probably be the first game of the football season (11th August: Week 12). If all goes well we shall probably tell them then. I've always thought they would get around to it before us, but listening to them this weekend I still think they will be a few years yet - if at all. I am sure the look on their faces is going to be priceless!!

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