Friday 12 July 2013

Mummy Got a Job!!

Which is good and then its not...

It's good because mummy will have some money - which if course will pay for nice things.  However, she won't have any time to spend with Jamie (or to spend the money) - bit of a Catch 22 situation!

So today I have been trying to get all of the niggly jobs out of the way - like Tax Assessment Forms, Contracts, Health Questionnaires, not to mention housework, while waiting to see if there are any places during the holidays at Park to take Jamie.  Nana says she will look after him a couple of days a week (it is only for 5/6 weeks) but I need to find out which days they have free (if any) at the Nursery. 

Once again, the start of a new job is made ever-more stressful because of the need to sort out child care!!

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