Tuesday 15 November 2011

We may never go out again...

Saturday night we asked Nanna B to babysit so mummy and daddy could go out. It had been months since they had been out as a couple. Mummy was feeling good as she has now lost half a stone and feels she is getting back to her pre-baby size. So she bought a new dress and some trendy shoes and booked a table at a local restaurant.

Unfortunately, as soon as Nanna arrived and Jamie realised that mummy and daddy were dressed up for a reason, he started to cry and say things like "No go out" and "stay here mummy". It was awful.

We did go out and few drinks and a lovely meal helped ease the tears. Especially as he must have been asleep shortly after we left anyway.

But then Monday night daddy was playing a gig in Nottingham and mummy asked Nanna to sit with Jamie so she could go to her Zumba class. Once again, Jamie got all upset that we were leaving him.

It may be a while before we go out again.....

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