Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Jamie Taming....

Thankfully Jamie is not as bad as he might be. But when he has a tantrum, its a big one! Typically, this is because he wants to do something that we don't want him to do i.e. watch TV, not go to bed etc. He can shout and scream, but he has a tendency to say the same thing over and over. Perhaps he thinks we will give in (or be hypnotised) if we hear 'Don't want to sleep in Jamie's bed' a hundred times!!

I have to admit however, that I have lost my temper on a few occasions and shouted back at him when he has had a screaming fit. Afterwards we both get upset and the other night Jamie actually asked for a cuddle later on, after we had all calmed down! I have yet to leave a tantrum (mine or Jamie's) unresolved before bedtime. The truth of the matter is that he has inherited his mum's temperament. I am afraid this is not a good thing. It's god's way of punishing me for my behaviour as a teenager!!

A sense of humour is definitely what is needed at the moment!!

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