Sunday, 20 February 2011

Second week at work / nursery

.....not so many tears (from either of us) this time.

Spent a lot of time this week trying to sort out whether to take advantage of the Child Care Vouchers Scheme at work or wait and see if we will get more Child Tax Credit. A lady at work was very helpful and my chat with the tax people seems to suggest we are better off taking advantage of the voucher scheme run by the NHS.

Had a bit of a melt down on Thursday morning which led to an argument that should not have happened which was all mixed in with Jamie's tears. The blame was all mine and my silly notion of being clean and tidy and everything being in its place. Jamie had got up the same time as me and so he was under my feet as I tried to get 'everything' done, and then Daddy turned up from being on nights and I felt overwhelmed. A lot of this 'everything' could actually have waited and I upset the two most important people in my life.

Must remember that the house can wait. As long as I am ready for work and arn't late, and Jamie is ready for the day (whether Grandad, Nanna or Nursery) that is all that really matters.

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