Friday, 23 January 2009

Visit to the Midwife

The day after my birthday I had a visit to the midwife. This was the first time I had met my actual midwife as she had been previously been off sick. She was lovely; really friendly and sociable and put any fears I may have had at ease (in so far as you can with me!). She said to contact her at any time with any worries and she would refer me to the hospital if at any time she felt there was a need. One of the main things she said – which was emphasised by my friends on Saturday night - was NOT to believe everything you read on the Internet. In fact, don’t even go there!!

The Bull came in with me and she asked whether or not I had felt it kick yet. I told her I was unsure of what I should be feeling and had thought I had felt ‘something’ but wasn’t totally sure if this was the baby. She showed us what to do and how hard we need to press down at the moment to be able to feel something. She said not to worry as she could feel him and suggested we tried in the bath as this was when baby would be relaxed in the warm water and more likely to move around. We were then able to listen to his heart beat and so this made my birthday week even better…. Especially when The Bull was able to feel the baby kick on Friday evening – just after I had a panic that my belly had gone ‘hard’ – which was actually the baby moving about as a few minutes later the ‘hardness’ was in a different place!

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