Tuesday, 21 October 2008

How do I feel?

Scared....Petrified.....Tired...Knackered....Anxious....The list is never ending. The scan is tomorrow and I am not even sure if I feel pregnant (other than the continual nausea, the constipation, the headaches, being fat, feeling emotional and not forgetting the tiredness). I have had trouble sleeping over the last few days. I keep waking up - partly because I need the loo but then also just to stare into space for a while and worry.... I can't remember many of my dreams but I do remember being chased by Daleks over the weekend and it was a scary dream - not at all funny!! I have no idea what that means....

At least we got out at the weekend and went to visit a few people. Finally went to see my brother and his wife in their new house (they have been there nearly 3 months), then we popped in on The Bulls Nan and his mum was also there and then finally we had dinner at our friends who are due in a week. Consequently, although we have really tried this time NOT to talk about it we seemed to spend all Sunday doing nothing but!! Anyway, wish me luck for the morning.....

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