Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Speaking Part (So Proud)

When Jamie told me that there was going to be a school production I may have suggested that in order to be an actor he needed to volunteer.....  He came home a few days later and said that he had a speaking part in the KS2 schools production of Olivia!  This means we have been hearing the same joke over and over as Jamie is playing 'Joker Number 8'; who is sent to try to cheer up Queen Victoria....

Joker 7: Why is your nose in the middle of your face?
Joker 8: Because its the scenter!
Jamie told me where to sit before the performance, which meant that I was able to get a good piece of film of him (as he wanted!).  It also meant I could see him when they were singing.

The production was very good.  However, it was rather long.... One mother - who was filming her daughter even though we were told not to. After no one told her off, I didn't hesitate to film Jamie - obviously left after her daughter had done her part - HOW RUDE! 

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