Friday 15 November 2013

Children in Need

Never seen so many Superheroes in one place!

Got to school early and while parking the car, Spiderman put his face up against the car window.  Both Jamie and I had no idea who the Spiderman really was, as he had his mask on! 

Had to get out of the car very quick so Jamie could run after him.  Luckily it was a boy from  his class but I found it difficult to keep up with them both as they raced into school.

Once in the playground, we were surrounded by Superheroes and of course Jamie was in his element. Straight away he was running with the crowd.  The crowd was made up of both children he knew and those he didn't and they soon commandeered the pirate ship which became a space ship.

Jamie was so upset when he had to go into school, but once in the classroom all the superheroes soon re-grouped.

A pound (to dress up) well spent for Children In Need!!

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