Saturday, 15 June 2013

Questions, Questions, Mummy, Mummy.....

I love my son dearly......but just recently I seem to be faced with a barrage of questions - fired one after another without time for me to think, before the next one comes.  And if I don't answer quick enough, Jamie asks it again and again until he is happy I have answered it.  He will also ask the question again or shout "mummy" if he thinks I am not listening to him, or have not answered his question.  He likes me to be facing him when I answer and make a definite sound - a grunt or a simple 'yes' will not do!!

Oh, and there is also the constant "Mummy, mummy, mummy", which can drive you mental at 6 in the morning!!

Daddy started a new job this week and will be away most of the weekend, so daddy and Jamie had a boys night; watching a Marvel Avengers film with all of Jamie's current favourites - Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, Hawk Eye etc.   I spent some time catching up on paperwork and jobs to be done but I could hear Jamie with his constant questions....

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