Thursday, 8 September 2011

29 months had this to say about 29 months (See: During this month your toddler may start to experience quite complex emotions, such as jealousy (another child playing with their toys), pride (at building a tower correctly), affection (towards mum and dad) and shame (if he has had a tantrum or has hit or bitten another child). Although their emotions are intense, they are relatively short-lived so he can be having a full-blown tantrum one minute and showering you with kisses the next. Distraction is probably the key to dealing with more negative emotions, but don’t forget to praise your child when he displays positive emotions like pride or he shares her toys with others.

For some toddlers at this age, going to bed can be a struggle as there are too many interesting activities to do when awake. For parents of toddlers who desperately need some time off and probably a glass of wine, this can be frustrating, especially if they are able to get out of bed and join you. Try to keep your child in a regular routine especially at bedtime so he knows that when he is having her bath, bed comes soon. Make sure his room is dark (with a small nightlight if he doesn’t like it) and that he has had some wind down time before bed. This can mean a story or, if he is reluctant to go to sleep, some quiet play on his own for half an hour to make him sleepy. Bedtime can also mean relaxing in your room rather than having to go straight into sleep, after all it probably takes you time to unwind before you fall asleep, so keep this in mind.

Make sure he gets plenty of time outside in the fresh air everyday so that he uses up all that toddler energy.

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