Tuesday 3 May 2011

Panic Part 2

Saturday night we had a lovely evening with Karen and Neil, Nadine and Urs. While we were there Karen mentioned she had a few things that their children no longer used. In particular she mentioned a climbing frame which would be 'free to a good home'. Off daddy went to have a look and we agreed we would be that home!! So Sunday morning we went back with our tools and in a matter of hours Jamie was loving his new toy!! This only added to the lovely long (wedding bank holiday) weekend we have had in the garden with visits from Uncle Paul (Sunday)and then Nanna and Granddad for a small BarBQ yesterday; after collecting 8 bags of play bark to go under the frame!! Who needs to go abroad when we have everything in our own back garden?

And as I thought; both Nadine and Karen were less than happy with our tales of Jamie sleeping in our bed. However, when we got home from theirs, Nanna had put Jamie to bed with his bottle of milk and there had been no trouble after lights out. In fact, he slept all through til 7.30am and I had to go and get him out of bed!! Since then he has gone to bed with a story and his milk with daddy. Mummy has yet to try. And even though I told them on Saturday that it was daddy who was too soft, it was me who wanted to get him up and bring him in for a cuddle Sunday night!

And did I mention Jamie has now got a big boys car seat?

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