Wednesday 17 March 2010

Happy Mothers Day

The ghost of Valentines Day has almost been exorcised.....I got a lovely big bunch of flowers and a big personalised card with a poem:

Thank you for reading me stories
Thank you for cleaning my bum
Thank you for all of the kisses
And thank you for being my mum!

The boys are (hopefully) going to pay for me to go to Eden Hall again at the end of April.

Monday we had another trip to Fun Factory with Sophie. This time mummy and Jamie went down the big slide but it was a bit scary for both of us. In the afternoon Jamie had a brilliant time at Debut Tots with Will and we went to theirs afterwards for a nice little chat. However, I think it was all a bit much for us both as we were both in bed by 6.30pm - mummy with a dose of painkillers an a wheaty bag on her neck due to taking Jamie in and out of the car 5 times in all!! Yesterday we went with the twins to Rand Farm Jamie was a bit wary of the animals when we got there - I think it was the smell - but soon settled in. Only trouble was that I know he did not like being in his pushchair for so long. I had to keep getting him out and carrying which was a lot better for Jamie but not so good for my back! Oh well, have finally got my appointment with a physio in a couple of weeks.

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