Saturday, 2 August 2008

Do You Have A Clear Conscience?

Today I received this piece of advice from the Learn to Relax Newsletter

People who live stress free tend to rely on their intuition and conscience much more than those who are perpetually stressed. Stressed people often do things that are based upon what other people will think of them rather than turning inward and making their conscience the ‘jury' they check against.

When a person is living with a clear conscience they tend to be in better health than their stressed counterpart because they're not carrying around all the mental baggage that's a by-product of living in conflict with the conscience.

The bottom line is that it may be possible to fool another person, but you can never fool yourself, so my tip for this month is this: Ask yourself whether all your dealings are congruent with your conscience. If they aren't, abandon them for the sake of your health (if nothing else!) because a universal law dictates that whatever you sow, you shall reap.

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