Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Charting My Temperature

Went to Acupuncture on Friday and I really do feel better for going - although it was quite painful in my wrist this week - which is a good sign...Anyway, she gave me a chart to start taking my temperature; starting the first day of my period - which was Friday. The chart also asks for pain levels, amount of blood, feelings of well being etc.
http://www.ivillage.co.uk/pregnancyandbaby/fertility/conception/qas/0,,4_162280,00.html says: You should take your temperature orally each morning before getting up, eating or drinking. BBT charting is a useful tool in the evaluation and treatment of infertile couples because of its ability to confirm ovulation. Careful review of BBT charts with your GP will identify the most fertile times in your cycle. The mechanism underlying the biphasic nature of an ovulatory BBT is the production of progesterone after ovulation. Progesterone is a thermogenic hormone which usually causes a rise in the basal temperature of 0.4 to 1.0 degrees Fahrenheit. Thus, after ovulation, and the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum, the basal temperature rises. When LH (the ovulatory trigger) measurements are correlated with BBT charts, it appears that the temperature rise usually occurs two days after the LH surge. The temperature elevation is associated with serum progesterone levels greater than 4 ng/ml. Ovulation usually occurs one day before the temperature rises. The temperature usually stays raised for 10 days. BBT evaluations only confirm, but do not predict, ovulation, and can be affected by many factors resulting in inaccuracies. Despite these limitations, it remains a useful tool in the evaluation and treatment of infertility and is often recommended.

What I still can't get over is how clumsy I always seem before my period and also how Obsessive I get about the place being tidy - which is a good thing as far as it goes but this weekend I went off a bit OCD!! Went out Saturday night for a meal with the girls and did not drink, but did have a couple of glasses on Sunday night. Back to the gym Monday but it looks like its going to be Fish and Chips for tea tonight....

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