Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Autumn Term Report Card - December 2016 (Year 3)

Got a short but sweet report card for Jamie; detailing his current level of attainment and progress.

Reading: Exceeding. (Above expected standards) Your child has made Good Progress.   To help improve he needs to be able to identify the different ways in which a character in a story is presented (eg different people's views about them).

Writing: Secure. (In line with expected standards) Your child has made Good Progress.   To help improve he needs to use a range of subordinating conjunctions to join sentences together eg when, because, although.

Maths: Secure. (In line with expected standards) Your child has made Good Progress.   To help improve he needs to secure his use of multiplication strategy (1 digit x 2 digits).

 We did opt to go to parents evening but didn't learn anything more....

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