Saturday 20 October 2012

Monster Toddler......

.......and its not even Halloween!

What a day!!  Jamie has been carrying around his Ben and Holly party invitation ever since Sophie sent it to him.  When I announced to him this morning that today was the day of the party he was really excited.  Mummy was looking forward to it as well, as she had not seen Sophie's mum and dad for ages and there was lots to catch up on!!

However, after loading the car with bags and presents and mummies camera, and driving the 20 minutes to the sports centre; when we got there, Jamie refused to stay.   He just walked into the gymnasium where it was being held and then ran out.

I tried a number of times to get him to go back in.  Carrying him, dragging him, being nice, being nasty, but to no avail.  The tears were streaming down his face and he truly was distraught.  We went back to sit in the car and calm down, but even then I could not get him to go back into the party.  So we went home.

When me and daddy asked him why he wouldn't stay, he said it was "Too loud".  Later on he said it was "not a pirate bouncy castle".  Good job we have got that one for the Christmas party!!

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