While at cousin Lucy's (see: http://grumpymumtobe.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/happy-birthday-lucy.html) I attempted to write down a conversation between Lucy and Jamie. I am not sure whether or not they were actually having a conversation but some of it made sense!!
It went something like this:
I’m having hearts in my do-nut.
I think it tastes of vanilla.
That one’s Brown Sauce.
This is mine. You can’t have it.
I’m not having conkers.
I don’t like yours. Chop, Chop.
Want to try yours a little bit.
Eat your dinner.
Mine not yours.
You can’t have it.
That’s the problem. You don’t like conkers.
I’m having some peppers on it.
I just made this dinner and its yummy.
I’m not having any more dinner. Its having me.
I’m full up.
Can I come to the cafe again?
We want to eat your dinner.
Get off the settee (to me).
Since coming back from the weekend Jamie's talking has once again come on in leaps and bounds. Even one of the ladies at Nursery commented on it this week. He is getting to be a right little chatter box - i wonder where he gets that from??
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