Sunday, 6 March 2011


This week I am doing a full week at work and am feeling stressed. Following a request for tips for juggling work/ family / life on Facebook, I received the following tips:

Auntie Hannah said; Plan each meal for the days you are working. Get everything ready the night before (mornings are always a rush!) Do laundry every other day (nothing worse than realising your work trousers aren't clean) Don't stress about cleaning :)

Chris suggested; Buy a slow cooker, put everything in it and turn it on before you go to work. Ready when you get home! And hardly any washing up!!

Sharon said; you'll find that things have a way of working out. You'll also find your own routine. You'll be fine and you'll enjoy different company

Julie added; Do what u can do, and don't feel guilty about not doing things that really don't matter x life is too short x most important things? Jamie, Daddy and your sanity, keep those in tack and u will be happy x

Searching the Internet I found this piece of wisdom:
Remember, it's a balancing act. Most parents never find a moment in which they feel perfectly caught up on all the things they expect themselves to do. If you consider this a normal state you can learn to relax about it. Balance isn’t something you necessarily find as a parent, it is something you are always moving towards. One week you will get lots of good things done at work and the house will be a wreck. The next week, you will leave work early to spend some extra time picking your child up at childcare and hanging out at home. The following week, you might arrange a time for yourself to exercise, but you have to leave your desk a mess and the dishes undone. Balance doesn’t happen in any one instant, but it can happen in the long run.

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