Saturday, 2 January 2010

Happy New Year

Can’t believe how the year has flown by. This time last year I was pregnant but it only seems a few months ago. It is true what they say that the older you get the quicker the time passes. But I worry about the time I am spending with Jamie – is it enough and is it of value? I seem to have loads to do at the moment – the house is a right post-Christmas mess – not to mention Daddy going back to work on Monday and me starting work (2&half days a week) on Wednesday. How am I going to keep the house running, go to work, try to keep all my New Year resolutions, and ensure that Jamie is getting the correct amount of stimulation? Or am I worrying too much?

New Years Eve was spent with some very good friends, and we decided to hire out a local hall and order a takeaway to be delivered there, to save on the mess at someone’s house. On the way there however, Jamie’s pram came from together and he ended up falling out – while still in his car seat – and rolling over. Thankfully he was only a little shocked, but it all adds to my paranoia about what could happen and will I be able to cope? Luckily, once we got over the initial distress of the incident and realised Jamie was fine and crawling all over the floor, we were able to relax; have a catch up and a bit of a dance. Daddy set up some lights and Cobbs had organised some music. It was great for the children as the 5 girls (ranging in age from 4 to 9) could run around like mad (and wear themselves out) without any of us adults worrying too much. Jamie stayed awake all night and actually didn’t seem affected by it; although he did sleep most of New Years Day. And it has to be said that we didn’t actually make midnight, we all decided 10.30pm was enough for us all; but a good meal, good wine and a good time was had by all!!

To keep Jamie as Number One. Everything else must come second; including Blog time and especially FaceBook time! I must remember that time is precious and to say No to things unless I really want to say Yes. I will also try to find time for my writing resolutions (see
I will try to remain Positive at all times about all people and all situations!
I will aim to reach my pre-pregnancy weight within 3 months (if possible before Jamie's 1st birthday) via diet and exercise; and will eat healthily and exercise at least 3 times a week.
I will save some money every week.

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