Thursday, 19 November 2015

Lego can be dangerous....

As reported previously, I took Jamie along to a Lego exhibition the first weekend of the half term and it was brilliant.  I took along my camera and spent the afternoon merrily taking photographs of  all the exhibits, Jamie and his friends.  My back was hurting, but (as I have been doing for a while) I simply kept popping the pills and carried on.

Unfortunately, I think this was the last straw for my poor old back.  By the Tuesday I was in agony.  It felt like I had broken my leg.  The pain was all the way down my left leg and into my foot.  Having suffered from back pain for years, I just assumed I needed to rest.  I visited the Chiropractor three times in eight days before finally seeing my GP on the 5th November who referred me to the LCATS (Lincolnshire Musculoskeletal Clinical Assessment and Treatment Service) team. 

Although he referred me as 'Urgent' my appointment was not for nearly three weeks.  I rang every day and managed to get a cancellation.  From this I was referred for an MRI.....

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