Saturday 22 November 2014

Resignation from Friends of School.....

Following the latest school disco, I have resigned from the Friends group at Jamies school.

Why?  Well, as I said to the Chairman, I really want to help the school and the group but certain other individuals in the group seem to think that they run the school!  Get the picture?  I was only asking what I could do to help and got a mouthful of abuse (ish).  I wouldn't mind if this was from a boss after I had done something wrong.  But it wasn't.  It was a so called equal member of the PTA....  I have to say, it wasn't just me.  There were other new members who felt the same. 

Perhaps they will continue to grin and bear it for the sake of the school, but I felt I have given them over a year and still feel that there is a 'them and us' culture.  Knowledge is power and certain members seem to think they need the power!

So, I have resigned.  Give me more time and less hassle and perhaps I will join again another year.

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