Tuesday 24 December 2013

Jamie's First Trip to the Cinema

Jamie has a tendency to get over excited while we are watching films at home, so I have delayed our first outing to the cinema. 

When I saw Arthur Christmas advertised at The Venue in Lincoln www.thevenuelincoln.co.uk/ I thought it was about time.....so I asked cousin Noah and my brother if they fancied joining us. 

We got there early and got some good seats in the middle where there was space in front of us.  I thought that best if Jamie / Noah felt like kicking the seats in front.  I have to say that it was better than expected.  Jamie had a bit of a shout during a scary bit half way through, and Noah needed a wee, but other than that they were pretty much well-behaved.  And the film was brilliant. 

Will definitely be taking Jamie again!!

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