Monday 6 May 2013

'Living the Dream' in Puzzlewood

Had a fantastic weekend with Lucy et al in Cheltenham, including a visit to Puzzlewood in the Forest of Dean.

The weather was lovely all weekend.  Bank holiday Sunday afternoon and Monday morning could even be described as hot!

And Jamie and Lucy hardly fell out at all - just a few comments with regards to 'sharing'.  In  fact some of the time we forgot they were there as they were getting on so well.  They have both got so much more independent over the last month or so.  In the park on Sunday afternoon they actually told me to go away.  (I don't blame them really.  I was trying to get a photo of them together and interrupting their play!)

The weekend reminded me (once again) of the importance of family.  It also reminded us all that happiness can come cheap.   We visited two parks during the weekend as well as the one at Puzzlewood, and on Monday we just sat in Dean and Christine's garden watching Dean move the play house while Lucy and Jamie played with water; 'painting' the fence, watering everyone and splashing about in a little tray Dean had filled with water.

'Living the Dream' we all laughed, but in the company of good friends (family) all you really need is each other - although the sun in the sky certainly helps!!

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