Thursday, 8 December 2011

My Son is a Monster!!

Monday this week was an absolute nightmare! Jamie was clingy, crying, shouting and it was one major tantrum after another. We made a short trip to Asda; where he kept demanding "this way mummy" and if we didn't go his way he screamed and cried very loudly! And lets try to forget when he grabbed all the miniature Christmas trees and threw them on the floor for all the batteries to fall out!!

Then we went visiting Sophie and then Noah and I have never seen him be so grumpy when playing with other peoples toys, but it was the lack of sharing and all the screaming he did when asked to take his turn that was the worst! I am afraid mummy lost her temper a couple of times with him and while at his cousin's threatened to take him home if he didn't play nicely.

We did come home early and then it all became apparent why Jamie had been so grumpy. He had a terrible cough and was up most of the night with it. Tuesday therefore I just let him sleep as long as he wanted. This meant we missed Toddler Signing again but at least Jamie was better before Wednesday. Nursery said he had nearly 3 hours sleep - what do we pay them for?

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