Sunday, 3 July 2011

Four Years Old.....

....not Jamie. This Blog!! (and I have certainly felt better).

After I was 3 weeks late with my period I rang the Dr and told her how I was feeling, but told her that I had a negative test. She simply said ‘You probably are pregnant but not enough to show yet!’ While lying in bed last weekend I sent a current pregnant friend a text to tell her this (as we had thought we might meet up). She said she had had the same with her 1st - a negative test when she actually was pregnant. So for a few days I really thought I could be.

But when I was being so sick last weekend all I kept thinking was how I didn’t want to be pregnant. I hated being pregnant and spent 8 months in near panic. I had forgotten how much I really did not like it! As I have said a number of times over the past few days, if someone could just hand me a baby and say ‘It’s yours’ I would gladly have another tomorrow, but being so ill and then Jamie being so sick, reminded me of why we are probably better off with just the one. He truly is exhausting at the moment. If I could have my time again I have started trying a few years earlier. But then we probably would not have been ready then. Perhaps one is our lucky number.

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