Sunday 19 June 2011

Other Mummys....

Once again Jamie has had the dreaded cough and this time mummy got a dose of the snots as well. So we have been a bit pathetic the last week or so. Was worried about sending Jamie to nursery last week but he was fine. Although they did organise for them all to be filmed as part of some 'Wild Beast' video - I think they sit the children in front of a blue screen and then superimpose a film behind them afterwards - but Jamie refused to sit on the chair or be filmed. I didn't really mind as it saved us some pennies, and its not as if we don't have enough photos etc. of Jamie...

This week mummy volunteered to do 4 days as work is so busy. She only actually managed to do 3 as part of her tooth fell off on Thursday so she thought she had better get to the dentist Friday. She ended up having it all re-filled but unfortunately fainted in the dentists chair which meant she felt very ill for the rest of the day and most of Saturday!

Working hard meant mummy was concerned that she needed to spend Tuesday with Jamie doing something together. She was glad therefore, when they finally got into 'Toddler Peep' at the local SureStart Centre. There was singing, playing in the sand pit, lots of running around, and getting very sticky making a Fathers Day card for Daddy for today. Although the other mums seemed to know each other and mummy felt a bit left out, it was clear Jamie was having a great time. Hopefully this week mummy will feel more part of the group.

And then yesterday we went to Tessa's 3rd birthday. This was the invitation I have previously mentioned that he got from nursery. It was all very strange turning up to a party where the children knew each other but not many of the parents did! I feel I did ok with the other parents, but it was hard to know who knew who, and which parent was with which child. We stayed for 2 and a half hours and once again it was all about the children. I could have sat and been mardy that no one spoke to me and moaned that I felt left out, but Jamie was certainly not ignored or left out. He loved all the party food and the Bouncy Castle and it was clear he had a fantastic time. I did have a nice chat to Faith's mummy however, and she did mention another party in August!

This morning, Jamie and Daddy have gone off to see Granddad and Nanna Mo as it is her birthday today; as well as being Fathers Day. Mummy is enjoying some peace and quiet but conscious of the fact she may end up working most of next week due to holidays and being short staffed!!

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