Wednesday, 16 June 2010


Went to see the Physio yesterday about my back that continues to give me trouble; along with the rest of my body. I feel like an old lady a lot of the time; aches and pains all over. Grumble, Grumble... This was my 4th visit on the NHS and it looks like I will be discharged next time to 'self-medicate' or whatever the phrase is. I left the session - which was quite painful but I am sure good for me at the same time - rather upset after he suggested; 'You need to be more active'. I came home and had a bit of a cry and a moan. I felt like such a fat, old woman.

But I know he is right. I know I should be doing my physio exercises as well as some 'proper' exercises (he suggested swimming) and I know I should think more about my posture, and god knows sitting at my laptop probably isn't doing me any good either, but its just one more thing amongst a sea of 'things to do'. And once I get in a spiral of misery I then begin to worry about the effect on Jamie. Am I a good enough mother? Am I spending enough quality time with him? Am I doing everything right?

I know I have unrealistic expectations of both myself and others in terms of what I want / need to do / finish / start but how to stop myself from getting so worked up about it? Or indeed how to stop all those things meaning so much when in reality they shouldn't!?

Answers please....

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