Sunday 14 February 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Lucy!!

Can't believe it is a year since cousin Lucy was born.... So Valentines Day and no card; only a nice runny nose and a snotty son to go with it. We did all go out on Saturday night for a lovely pub meal with 4 friends and the girls Emily and Ella. This was the first time we had taken Jamie out for a 'proper' meal where he also sat at the table with the rest of us. OK so he had a high chair, but it was the first time. Previously he has always remained in the car seat on the floor or on one of our laps. The evening didn't start off too promising as we had to change his nappy in the car due to an 'incident' on the way. I would have used the facility in the pub but it was a foldaway type and didn't look too safe - what with Jamie's tendency to jiffle so much when having his nappy changed. It is getting harder and harder to dress or change him as he moves about so much. He is into everything at the moment and wants to be off to the next thing - no time for changing!! Unfortunately, Jamie was mid change and screaming nicely when the first of our friends arrived in the car park. I think they nearly turned round and went home!! But the evening got considerably better once we were all settled in the nice warm pub. He sat for most of the night in the high chair and even had a crawl around on the floor with the girls once we had frightened off the rest of the customers!!

He seems to be suddenly catching up. After a few months of us thinking he was never going to sit up unaided he is now pulling himself to standing using anything he can find; bath, toilet, high chair (although he doesn't seem to like sitting in it), our bed (which he still prefers to his own bed), a large plant pot, our legs, record cases, doors. Oh yes, he has a thing for doors - opening and shutting them (usually when he is on the wrong side!). This means everything has had to move up a shelf and Jamie has a new selection of CDs to throw on the floor.

His eating has improved since the initial visit from Shirley the Nursery Nurse. She returned 2 weeks after the initial visit and was pleased at what she saw - Jamie in a high chair eating a Stage 2 meal. It doesn't always happen like this but we are getting there.....I just need to train Grandad as I came home last Friday to find Jamie had had his daily quota of milk (21oz) in one morning!! But Saturday night he sat at the high chair in the pub and had a baby yogurt followed by various pieces of food from our plates; chips, peas, chicken and Gill even fed him some of her custard - which he loved!!

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