Saturday, 29 August 2009

Sink or Swim !!??

Yesterday I took Jamie for his first swim. I was so worried about it and was actually tossing and turning and dreaming about it in the night. I am not sure why I was so nervous - I kept having a vision of me slipping on the tiles while carrying Jamie - but I think in the end it was just the fear of the unknown and the 'first time'. No need for all the worry though (as usual) as he loved it - and so did I. I had bought a massive ring from Mothercare for him and so was able to drag Jamie up and down the pool - so it was exercise for me as well!! (I also bought a pair of trunks in every size in the Coop sale!) The pool that we went to (Free 5 day pass) had what is known as a 'shoreline' which meant we could sit at the shoreline and let the 'waves' come up to us. I think because Jamie has already had a number of baths with both mummy and daddy he was quite relaxed with regard to the water - even when he got splashed he didn't cry - he just looked a bit annoyed!! I was very glad that Karen and Sophie came with us as they are old hands at this (and it also meant I could go to the loo and leave Jamie with them!). The worst bit was after I took him out of the pool and was trying to get him dry. He was obviously cold and hungry, but as soon as we got in the changing room and he was changed, warm and being fed he was back to his usual self!! We shall be swimming again very soon.....

Sunday, 23 August 2009

More sleep but less things getting done...

Jamie was 5 months old (20weeks) yesterday and has had a few days now of sleeping from about 8pm until 7am with the occasional snore or jiffle in-between!! I find however, that because we are also getting all this sleep less is being done. I used to use the time in the middle of the night while the kettle was boiling, to fold and sort the washing, load the washing machine and have a general tidy around. This is no longer happening and the house looks like a bomb has dropped!!

Looking for other excuses for the mess I find that Daddy has got himself a new job and we have had to sort a lot of things at short notice i.e. a new car, car insurance etc. He had his leaving do on the Friday, went for the job interview on the Monday, was offered and accepted the job on Tuesday and then starts work tomorrow - 5 days later. The relief in the house is totally palatable - hence the laid back approach with the housework!!

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Baby Led Weaning ???

Went to a Weaning talk last week, led by my local health centre and Health Visitors / Nursery Nurses. It consisted mainly of watching a DVD from the La Leche League about Baby Led Weaning. As the La Leche League are advocates of Breastfeeding the DVD concentrated on this only and did not mention bottle fed babies at all.

Baby-led weaning (often abbreviated to BLW) means forgetting baby purées and weaning spoons and simply letting your baby feed himself. Many parents unconsciously choose baby-led weaning, particularly with second or subsequent children. Babies love to copy their older siblings and try to grab food from their plates and are often much happier if they are allowed to feed themselves.

After the DVD they asked us to discuss the issues raised, but I am afraid I came away more confused than before I went. What was good though was the Bounty Pack we were given with some free samples in as well as a couple of leaflets that were really helpful with regards to weaning!

Jamie himself has now had 3 nights of 10-12 hours sleep which is wonderful. He has begun to dribble a lot more and suck his thumb and we have started giving him Hungrier Baby at bedtime.

Gurgles latest email ( asks: Are you noticing your baby putting everything in her mouth? Babies at this stage are practising for when they teething and some babies are even born with a few teeth. If your baby is dribbling excessively, has red cheeks or is irritable, it may be a first tooth coming through. To stop your baby putting the wrong things into her mouth try to baby-proof your house by removing small items that your baby may choke on.

Yesterday was a bit stressful however as he had his last of his 3 sets of injections. All 3 of us shed tears at one or more times during the day. Jamie was not a happy bunny but he seems back to his normal happy self this morning. We keep pinching ourselves as so far Jamie has been quite a dream baby. The sleepless nights seem a long way off now and we are left with a very smiley, giggly baby who chortles away to himself and anyone else who will listen - usually at about 3am.

I can't believe its about a year since I got pregnant!!!

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

And they all rolled over…..

Had a bit of a panic last night as I got home from a night out (no booze, just a workshop at a local writing group) to find Jamie asleep on his side. Over the last few nights he has been waking us up by rolling onto his front and sucking the covers. What nutritional value his Winnie the Pooh mattress cover is I really can’t say, but so far we have been able to feed him and he has gone back to sleep. But to find him actually sleeping on his side was a bit of a worry. No one had told me whether or not it was safe and all the information about cot death just mentions making sure your baby sleeps on their back.

So, at 11pm last night I was searching on the Internet for something to calm me down. (us new mums – always worrying about something!!) Recent research has shown that there is a connection between the sleeping positions of babies and cot death. The risk of cot death is greatly reduced if the baby sleeps on their back. To let your baby sleep on its side is safer than letting it sleep on its stomach, but the most recent studies show that the position is not as safe for your baby as sleeping on its back.

Nobody quite knows why it is safer for your baby to sleep on its back rather than its tummy. There are several theories. One theory is that a baby sleeping on its stomach may be lying with its face so close to the sheets that it keeps breathing the same air and does not get enough oxygen. Another possibility is that the baby can suffocate when sleeping on their stomach on a mattress that is too soft and yielding. There have been recorded cases of this happening to babies in water beds. So babies should never sleep on a water bed. A third theory is that it is dangerous for a baby to lie with its face against the mattress, which may contain microbes that can interfere with the baby's breathing. Nobody has yet solved the mystery of cot death. Today, we only know that the cases of cot death have gone down since doctors recommended that babies sleep on their back.

When the baby has grown old enough to begin turning over by itself in the bed, just tuck it in on its back, but don't worry if they turn over later. There is no need to turn your baby back over during the night.

A few of the forums mentioned breastfeeding mothers whose babies often fall asleep after they have fed them lying on their side. One even said that at one point babies were "meant" to sleep on their side then it changed again

Sent a text to Dales sister-in-law and apparently cousin Lucy sleeps on her side. She also ends up with her feet facing the other end of the bed. Jamie has certainly got a lot more boisterous – not just at night but also in the day – and he kicks and throws his arms about all the time. We are still trying to include ‘tummy time’ every day but he seems to like it less than before. You can almost hear the frustration in his voice as he tries to lift himself up. He is not quite reaching for things but he can certainly grab something when he feels like it – usually mine or dad’s hair - and he has got a lethal pinch!

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Time flies by....

.....when you are a driver on a train. Or when you are a new mum. Another week has flown by. We did make it to the last baby group on Friday (Jamie is now 12lb 11) and I have organised to go to a few more groups in the next few weeks. Jamie and I spent a couple of evenings in his nursery this week. I sat on the sofa bed that is currently in there and he was in his gym. We listened to a nursery rhyme CD that Nanna had got him. Unfortunately it didn't play that well so I have bought him a couple of new CDs this week and we are having a great time singing along......I think daddy will just have to get used to them!! I really like the Ride a Cock Horse book and CD set by Sarah Williams and Ian Beck.

Fat Club was a bit disappointing this week as I stayed the same. After that I went and made things worse by having a full 3 courses at ASK when I went with 3 other friends for a girly chat on Thursday. I felt a bit scruffy as I have only got a couple of tops that fit and I don't want to buy any more than I have to - especially if I am going to loose the baby weight. I have a full wardrobe of clothes to wear once the weight goes.... They were all mothers and so understood the dilemma. We even agreed to start 'running' and we have booked a night in in a few weeks. One thing for certain is that I must find time to add some exercise to my schedule. This week. I promise!! The only excuse I have is my back and neck which have been seriously playing up this week. I have been given some 'exercises' by the Chiropractor which I keep forgetting to do, and I have been glad I have a wheaty bag which I keep warming up in the microwave!!

I find myself this week being a bit OCD around the house - constantly checking to make sure the rooms are tidy and nothing needs doing. This is not because I have nothing to do. On the contrary I have loads (including the exercise) but I seem to be acting out some form of 'control' over my surroundings. I have had it before but this week I got quite worried about it. I know I need to relax more. Thinking about it now it is probably related to Daddies decision to accept voluntary redundancy and the fact his last day at work will be the 14th August with no job to go to as yet. I know that we will be able to exist for a year or so without his job as he don't have too many outgoings, and I am sure he won't be long before he is back working, but that is probably what is nagging at the back of my mind....

So, this week:
  • Exercise - Walk more / Video / Stepper / Swim......
  • Don't forget Back and Neck exercises.
  • Relax / Think Positive.
  • Quiet Time with Jamie and Nursery Rhymes CD
  • Contact / Visit the SureStart Centre re: Baby Massage / Current Programme.