Saturday, 27 December 2008

Week Twenty / Twenty One

Congratulations – You’re Halfway!

May feel aches in your abdomen as the ligaments on either side of the uterus stretch as your baby grows.
Can feel the top of your growing uterus in your abdomen – it may reach to your belly button by now.
May still be a bit absent-minded.
Could notice some backache.
Might get occasional leg cramps.
Could be kept awake at night by your active baby.

Your baby
Measures about 16.4cm.
Is developing the nerves in the brain that serve the senses – sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch.
Is doing somersaults – making the most of the space before it gets too cramped in there!
Is developing eyebrows and lashes.
Is swallowing, getting the digestive system working.

from Your Pregnancy

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