Sunday 13 December 2020
Dear Parent/Carer
Covid-19 and remote learning/live lessons for all isolating students As I write to you early on a Sunday morning, it is fair to say that the past 36 hours have been most challenging for our academy.
My senior team and I worked through the day yesterday to secure the safety of our students and families for the coming week and the festive break. We go again today to ensure that all home learning is updated for tomorrow for so many of your children.
It is my intention that all staff who teach Years 10 and 11 will offer live lessons on Microsoft teams to those year groups from tomorrow morning following their normal timetable and timings. Students in those years should receive lesson invitations ready to follow their normal timetable for the four days of this working week.
Remote home learning will be available by 9am tomorrow morning for all affected students and will be published on Frog as usual. If students cannot access the live lessons in Years 10 and 11, they should complete the home learning instead and submit it to their class teachers in the usual manner.
Year 7 students should follow the remote home learning plan which will be published in the morning. All students in Years 8, 9, 12 and 13 who may be self-isolating should do the same for their respective year groups and courses.
James M Barrie, the author of Peter Pan, once said “Always be a little kinder than necessary.” In the past 12 hours, I have been made aware of one of our families who are affected by Covid19 receiving abuse via social media and messages. This must end immediately. I ask for parents who may know this family to ensure their children do not engage in such acts. Parents should also refrain from this please. It is not how the SRPA family should go about its business. It is not necessary and, whilst frustration may have taken hold, this situation is best left with me. I am already in close liaison with the relevant authorities who will take their own view.
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