Saturday, 5 September 2015


Jamie went to his first night of Beavers last night.   Things didn't start well, as - even before the evening had started - while playing with some of the others, he fell onto his face causing his teeth to bleed.  I thought 'that's it, we will be leaving soon', but he stayed.

After introductions, the Beavers then played Dodge Ball.  Jamie played for a few minutes but then came over to sit with me as he didn't like playing it.  (I think his mouth was still hurting).

Half way through the evening they all sat down and were asked what they did in their holidays. Jamie said; 'Had a sleepover with my cousin.  She stayed with us for three days'.

The evening ended with two more games; one in four teams where they had to keep the ball out of their corner, and then 'Shark Attack' where they ran round and then a blanket was placed on a Beaver and the others had to guess who it was.

I could not get over how loud the hall got!

Kanga, Roo and Joey seemed really nice and they assured me afterwards that it wasn't always like that.  The amount of games was just because it was the first week back after the holidays.  I have been promised there will be more 'badge collecting' from now one - the main reason we got Jamie interested in it.  

We likened Beavers to

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