Wednesday 24 April 2013

Chat with Jamie's Keyworker

Daddy and I went along to pre-school on Monday for a chat with Jamie's keyworker there.  All she really had to say problem wise, was that Jamie needs to have more confidence to try things.  She also mentioned that he is only happy with certain children.  But, as daddy pointed out, he is very similar and they are not necessarily bad things.

Overall, we are very happy with Jamie and his progress.  He is just about dressing himself.   He can certainly put on and take off his shoes (no laces as yet).  He is getting better at brushing his teeth, but still doesn't like brushing his hair.  He will let me wash his face most mornings after he has cleaned his teeth, but he doesn't seem to like his bath's as much as he used to!!   He seems to know his left from his right but still struggles to put his wellies on the right feet.

His talking is coming on so well.  The other morning (after having a sleep over) he rang me from Nana's and we had an actual conversation, rather than him drifting off or being talked for.  He actually chatted away; recognising who I was and answering questions. 

Academically (if that is what you call it) he can now count past 10 and recognises numbers.  However, for some reason he struggles with the number 8!!   He is getting better at letters and can recognise all the letters in his first name as well as in his second name.   He is always asking 'what does that say' at the start of his programmes, and wants to follow the words as I read to him from his books.   His favourite book still seems to be 'Cats Ahoy' and he took this to Pre-School as part of World Book Day.   And we do try to read with him at night at least 3/4 nights a week. 

He does watch a bit of TV but we limit his watching to CBeebies and the occasional Spiderman taped from CITV.  Any other programmes (like The Hulk film) he usually watches with daddy in case there are any scary bits.  Lately he has been watching the Toy Story trilogy quite a lot and was so happy when Uncle Paul bought him a Woody and Buzz set of walkie talkies for his birthday - even though he does not use them as such!  He keeps saying that he will play with his toys 'forever'.

I do try to make sure Jamie eats healthy every day, but its not easy to always get his 5 a day down him!  Since stopping working I have started doing more meals from scratch, and these guarantee that I can add more veg to the recipe!  He has finally got rid of his high chair (to cousin Laura) and Jamie now sits on the sofa with mummy and daddy, with a little table to eat on.   I know people say that we should not eat while watching TV but it works for us.....

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