Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Baby Signing Christmas Party

Still have ice and snow all around and now the Christmas parties have started. Monday was the Baby Signing Christmas party and, as last year and every week, Jamie loved it!! See: Noah made it along too and there were lots of babies / children that Jamie knew. I am really pleased as he is getting a little bit more sociable every day and although he usually starts a group sitting on mummy's lap, by the end of a group he is usually somewhere in the middle finding out what is going on...

We went to Storytime at the library on Tuesday but Jamie didn't get the chance to be sociable as we were the only ones that turned up. But this did mean we got to take home the best books and got extra chocolates. Jamie loves the edition of The Gruffalo that we have borrowed where he can press the buttons to make the sounds as we tell the story.

Last Friday at playgroup however, I was especially happy as just before we left he was playing peek-a-boo with a little girl and running around giggling. He really seemed to be enjoying himself! Previously I had been worried he did not like it. Friday is the play group Christmas party so I am hoping the snow does not return as promised.....

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